How to Make a Pee-Wee Runt Rover with Johnny-Five.
Way back in May of 2015, I attended JSConf US to help with Bocoup's JS IRL event. The robot kit was designed by , and Rick and soldered pin headers to all the the motor controllers before the event. We helped around 100 attendees build a nice little Nodebot, and everyone got to take home their kit. If you want to build your own, here's what you need:
- 1 . This includes the Arduino Uno, pin headers, a breadboard, a cable, and a nice little selection of components for future fun and games.
- 1 . This kit includes the snap-together chassis, two motors, and two wheels.
- 1 Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Shield. You'll need to solder on the included pin headers and terminal blocks; if you're ordering a large volume, there's a chance that Pololu might pre-solder them for you. (In the build instructions, Rick is using a very similar shield, but it's $3 more.)
- 1 nine volt battery
- 1 zip tie
Once you've got the bot running, there are a number of ways to extend it. (code).
Tags: johnny-five jsconf-us maker nodebots pictures